Zoning Board of Adjustment

Meeting Schedule: Second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, as needed.

Meeting Location: Duncanville City Hall, Council Chambers

Mission Statement

The mission of the Board of Adjustment is to serve as an appeal board to preserve certain city ordinances and to consider variance request, authorizing specific requests without imposing undue hardships on individual citizens, but not contrary to the public interest using public safety, neighborhood preservation, and hardship as factors.

Membership & Meeting Details

The code enforcement manager will be an ex-officio member of the Board of Adjustment and will be responsible for preparation of the minutes, which are to be approved by the board at the next meeting. The Board of Adjustment elects a chairman and vice chairman. Prompt attendance at all meetings is urged. If three meetings are missed without a valid excuse, the member may be replaced.

Members’ Responsibility

The Board of Adjustment (BOA) consists of nine members and is charged with hearing and deciding appeals of:

  • The requirements of building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and housing codes as written.
  • Orders, decisions, or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of these codes.
  • Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Other requirements as may be specified by city ordinance.


Duties include:

  • Conducts public hearings regarding deviation from zoning ordinances
  • Makes decisions in the zoning deviation for or against the change, which can only be overruled by the district court
  • Rules on the correctness of the building official's interpretation of the zoning ordinance when questioned by City Council or citizens

Application & Fees

  • An application form must be completed, and the fee paid by submittal deadline.
    • Fees:
    • Per request (Residential or Commercial): $500.00 per request.
    • Letter Preparation: $10.00

Current Members

Terry Popham

E. Lawrence Smith

Robert Stringer

LaVaughn Washington

Constance Willis



Staff Liaison

 Nathan Warren, Senior Planner
Nathan Warren
 Director of Planning & Zoning