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Requirements to Take Driving Safety Course

If you received a ticket for a moving violation, you may request permission to take a driving safety course (DSC) before the 20th business day from the date of the offense, in person or by mail.

At the time of the request you must do the following:

  • Enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest
  • Present a valid Texas drivers license
  • Present proof of financial responsibility (auto insurance) listing you as a driver
  • Pay the applicable state costs, and an administrative fee of $144 or $169 if the offense occurred in a school zone. All costs and fees are subject to change without notice

When You Are Not Eligible to Request a Driving Safety Course

  • You received a ticket for speeding 25 mph over the posted speed limit
  • The offense occurred in a construction zone with workers present
  • The offense was for unlawfully passing a school bus
  • The offense was for leaving the scene of an accident
  • You have or held a commercial drivers license (CDL) at the time of the offense.
  • If you have taken a DSC within the 12 months before the date of this citation, or you are currently required to take a DSC for another citation

What to do Next

Within 20 business days from the date of the offense, bring or mail the listed items to the court, and upon approval, the court will grant you permission to take the course.

You will have 90 days to complete the course and obtain a certified copy of your driving record from the Department of Public Safety in Austin. Both documents - the course completion certificate and the certified copy of your driving record - must be returned to the court on or before the 90th day to have your citation dismissed.

Note: If you are applying by mail, please wait until you have received permission from the court before you take the course.

Where You Can Take a Driving Safety Course

You may search for driving safety courses online or in the yellow pages. The course must be an approved course for the dismissal of a traffic citation in the State of Texas.

Failure to Complete a Driving Safety Course

If you fail to complete any one of the requirements by your due date, you will need to attend your show cause hearing. The date is preset when you sign up for the DSC. If you fail to appear at the hearing, a conviction on your case will be imposed and payment will be due immediately. If payment is not made immediately or an appeal bond filed, a capias profine warrant with a $50 warrant fee will be issued, and an additional $25 time payment fee will be added.