The City of Duncanville Human Resources department oversees Risk Management. Occasionally unfortunate events do occur within our city such as potholes in our street, trees breaking and falling and causing damage, sewage blockage, uneven sidewalks, vehicle damage, etc.


If something like this has happened to you, we do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hardship it may have caused you. We would like an opportunity to service you and make things right if possible. Please do not be silent if we are able to help.

We would like an opportunity to remedy the issue. Please report the issue to us.

Filing A Claim

If you wish to pursue further action and file a property/liability claim against the city it is your right to do so. You have the option of printing a paper form or submitting an online claim form. Please choose below.

Notice of Claim Form


Name  (required)

Email  (required)

Phone  (required)


City  State  Zip 

Business Address 

City  State  Zip 

Incident Information

Attach copies of invoices, estimates, photos, medical reports, etc., if possible. Please give details of your claim against the City. Please include the nature, and character of damage or injuries, the extent of any damages or injuries, and any conditions that may have caused the damages or injuries. Use additional pages if necessary.

Location of Incident 

Date of Incident  Police Report #, if applicable 

Medical Attention Required?   Yes  No 

Description of Incident, including property damage, if any:

 All statements made in this claim are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


By submitting this claim, it does not guarantee liability nor the acceptance of liability by the City. All claims shall be reviewed and processed by the City’s property and liability insurance provider.

The insurance provider is TMLIRP, PO Box 149194, Austin, TX 78714, 1-800-537-6655.

Security Measure