Arts Commission

Meeting Schedule: Meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of each month with supplemental meetings scheduled as needed.

Meeting Location: 203 E. Wheatland Rd., Duncanville, TX 75116

The Duncanville Arts CommissionThe Arts Commission of the City of Duncanville shall consist of seven (7) regular members appointed by the City Council, who shall serve three-year terms and shall be organized and exercise such powers and responsibilities as prescribed by all City Council Ordinances relating to the Duncanville Arts Commission.

A Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be elected from among the Commission's membership at the first meeting in October and when these offices become vacant. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the Commission shall elect an Acting Chairperson. A secretary shall be appointed from staff personnel assigned by the City's chief executive officer.

Duties and Powers

  • The Commission shall solicit applications for arts events, review and hear requests for funding, schedule interviews, and adopt guidelines and criteria for applicants requesting funding. The Commission will advise the City Council on the expenditure of the hotel/motel tax allocation for the arts. The Arts Commission Chairman, or an alternate representative as designated by the chairman, shall attend all City Council workshops and meetings at which Arts Commission issues are discussed or considered.
  • The Commission may also seek and administer funding by state, federal, and private grants, gifts, and admission fees as provided herein. They may also decline acceptance of any state, federal, private grant, donation or gift which is subject to terms or conditions which are not acceptable to or performable by the Commission.
  • The Commission may itself produce and promote a cultural/arts event or projects in addition to and apart from its role as a funding source for Arts Commissions Grants to other groups and individuals. Events or projects may also include a public permanent art component.

The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. The Chairperson shall decide on all points of order or procedure in accordance with these rules and regulations and the Scott, Foresman Roberts Rules of Order, the most current edition. All letters of transmittal from the Commission to the City Council shall be over the signature of the Chairperson.

The secretary shall be the custodian of the minutes and other official records, shall attend to the correspondence of the Commission, and shall cause such notices to be given as are required and in the manner prescribed by law. Page

The Committee shall submit their Annual Advisory Report along with a presentation to the City Council prior to Council’s budget consideration, every June of each year.

The Arts Commission will keep the City Council informed of all activities throughout the year.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Arts Commission of the City of Duncanville shall advise City Council to consider:

  1. To develop community arts program that will enhance tourism and hotel/motel use, through the arts;
  2. To encourage an increase in quality arts programs available to the citizens of the City of Duncanville;
  3. To stimulate an interest in the local arts of all cultures and minority groups especially ensuring access for seniors and disabled citizens;
  4. To encourage exposure to the arts for school-age citizens;
  5. To preserve and develop the arts and to maximize the quality of the arts and their contributions to our City's culture;
  6. To recommend the equitable distribution of resources from the public and private sectors necessary to accomplish the mission; and
  7. To produce and promote activities which accomplish this mission.

Current Members

Ron Thompson, Chair

Tim Perry, Vice Chair

Donald Browning

Amy Jackson

Sarah Macias

Anne Perry

Mary Ann Taylor

Angela Thorpe-Harris

Tiffiney Wyatt

Staff Liaison

Alex Hamby
Communications and Marketing