Agendas & Minutes

Find Duncanville City Council's Agendas, Minutes, Adopted Resolutions and Ordinances HERE.

Boards & Commissions Agendas & Minutes

Agendas and Minutes for Duncanville's Boards and Commissions can be found on their individual pages below.

Arts Commission

The Mission of the Arts Commission of the City of Duncanville shall advise City Council to consider community arts program that will enhance tourism and hotel/motel use, through the arts; encourage an increase in quality arts programs available to the citizens; stimulate an interest in the local arts of all cultures and minority groups especially ensuring access for seniors and disabled citizens; encourage exposure to the arts for school-age citizens; preserve and develop the arts and to maximize the quality of the arts and their contributions to our City's culture; recommend the equitable distribution of resources from the public and private sectors necessary to accomplish the mission; and produce and promote activities which accomplish this mission.

Audit Committee


Board of Adjustments

The mission of the Board of Adjustment is to serve as an appeal board to preserve certain city ordinances and to consider variance request, authorizing specific requests without imposing undue hardships on individual citizens, but not contrary to the public interest using public safety, neighborhood preservation, and hardship as factors.

City Planning & Zoning Commission

The mission of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to promote economic and community development and neighborhood preservation through thorough orderly review, study, and consideration of zoning issues relative to state and local laws, to consider zoning requests, and make recommendations to the City Council; to review all zoning categories and allowed uses, making recommendations as needed. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act as an advisory board to the City Council on planning and zoning matters.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission has the responsibility to adopt, publish, and enforce rules pertaining to examinations for entry-level and promotional eligibility; procedures for appointment and certification; proper conduct of appeals for testing and examination scoring; prescribed causes for the removal or suspension of a civil service employee; procedures for hearings of appeals concerning indefinite suspensions, suspensions, promotional bypasses, or recommended involuntary demotions; and other such matters reasonably related to the selection, promotion, and discipline of civil service employees, which includes all sworn personnel in Police and Fire departments.

Community Engagement Advisory Board

The Community Engagement Advisory Board consists of residents and community stakeholders collaborating to advise and create opportunities to strengthen our community. The Board recommends policies, procedures and practices that support the City of Duncanville.

Duncanville Community & Economic Development Corporation

Serves as a catalyst for community development and economic opportunity.

Keep Duncanville Beautiful Board

To empower individuals in Duncanville, through education, to take responsibility for enhancing their community environment.

Library Advisory Board

The mission of the Duncanville Library Advisory Board is to make recommendations regarding the Library's Material Selection Policy; to study, review, and consider library policies and fees; to consider recommendations regarding citizen requests to remove specific materials; and to act as an Advisory Board to the Library staff and City Council.

Multicultural Social Engagement Partnership - Disolved

Multicultural Commission

The Multicultural Commission has been created for the purpose of establishing a partnership with the community to have the most engaged citizenry in America; developing an image as a family-oriented community locally and regionally; developing a brand for the community focusing on the goal creating a sustainable multicultural community to enhance sports, tourism and community cooperation and developing ways to encourage all citizens to become more engaged in Duncanville; promote citizen participation and engagement in government; and to foster cooperative relationships among citizens in order to fulfill the needs and desires of Duncanville's diverse community.

Neighborhood Vitality Commission

Educating and empowering Duncanville citizens on the civic responsibility required to have sustainable housing values; determine ways to preserve the character of the 1940's - 1950's housing options available to ensure sustainable housing values for all citizens; and serve as members of the Duncanville Land Bank Board.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Board

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board provides a forum to communicate between the citizens and city officials in the stewardship and conservation of Duncanville's natural, recreational and cultural resources and advises the City Council and / or Parks and Recreation Department in the planning, development, and usage of park and recreational facilities and services.

Sign Control Board

The mission of the City of Duncanville Sign Control Board is to consider variance requests using public safety, neighborhood preservation, and hardship as factors; to periodically review all non-conforming signs as well as the previous variances granted to determine their desirability and effects upon the neighborhoods and city as a whole; making recommendations to the City Council; to act as an advisory board to the City Council; and to study other cities' sign ordinances and new sign techniques, periodically making recommendations to amend the sign ordinance.

TIF Board

The Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reinvestment Zone Board serves as an advisory body to the City Council on projects to be included in the TIF Project Plan and makes recommendations on TIF financial matters. The TIF District will expire in November 2036 unless extended by the City Council.

Tri-City Animal Shelter Advisory Board

The Animal Shelter Advisory Committee advises the city councils and staff of Duncanville, Cedar Hill, and DeSoto on matters related to the Tri-City Animal Shelter, including policies and procedures, fees and rates, and special initiatives, among others.