Public Works - Right-of-Way Permits

Utility Locate Flag

Performing Work in City

The city owns and maintains right-of-way and easement areas throughout Duncanville. Any company or utility that plans to work, excavate, install services, block, or otherwise disturb these common areas is required to obtain a Right-of-Way Permit from the City. Please note right-of-way permits are valid for 14 days only. The City utilities will be located and a permit returned to you within five days, weather permitting.

The City will locate all City utilities within the designated work area. Please contact DIGTESS @ 811 to initiate Franchise Utility locates.

There is no cost for this permit.

Obtaining a permit alerts the City to locate its underground utilities.

Register and Apply for a Permit

There is no fee for the registration or permit. Please note: right-of-way permits are valid for 14 days only. If you need an extension, please call (972) 780-5000.

About Rerouting Traffic

If your work requires rerouting of traffic in any way, you will be required to upload Traffic Control and Proposed Route Plans at the time of application. If you cannot upload the plans, you may email copies to Alan Brown or submit hard copies to the Public Works Department at 203 East Wheatland Rd., Duncanville, TX 75116. Please note that your permit will not be approved, and no work can begin, until your Traffic Control and Proposed Route Plans have been approved. Please note that right-of-way permits are valid for 14 days only. If you need an extension, please call (972) 780-5000.

If you need emergency locates, please contact the Municipal Service Center at (972) 780-4900.